Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Week 16 in Xizhi

With my two "sons"  and "grandson" in the mission

We went with the zone to the beach today. It was good to see some old friends and be back at the shoreline once more. It's actually been quite a while. Ultimate was a blast!

Zone conference was this part week, and I had several significant take-a-ways:

Yes if... Oftentimes we respond to a situation by saying "no because..." putting forth no faith and eliminating all possibility of success. We excuse ourselves out of even trying. However, when we approach the same problem with "yes if" there is hope present. We start to think of what it would take to have success. We achieve much more.

Goal setting. We set a lot of goals as missionaries. Daily, weekly, even longer term goals such as mission goals. Over time I began to realize I often didn't match my daily goals. I either fell short or overshot them, but it was rare I actually hit them. I rationalized I need not even set the daily goals in the first place. They're never accurate and I already know I'll give my all. True. We oftentimes don't match the goal we set. This is okay. It was still worth setting the goal as it helped us stretch and expressed our faith. All we need to do after setting a goal is evaluate whether or not we might do things differently in the future, thank God for the miracle He wrought even if it wasn't what we anticipated, and trust in the Lord. We need to look at that 80% and say "wow! 80%" That's a blessing for which we can be grateful. 120% is no different. We thank God and move forward in faith. I didn't explain this as well as I hoped to, but I learned nonetheless.

illusion from zone conference

Pizza in Taiwan

On the way back from zone conference we set up two people to meet with us on the weekend. Our lesson then canceled for that night and the rains came down. We prayerfully set a goal for 2 additional set ups off the street, switched our suits out for rain gear, and off we went. We worked, and prayed, and worked, and prayed, and worked some more. We found people to teach. We were blessed to meet our goal, but that isn't really the point. It's just the principle of goal setting and how it drives us to greater action.

We were overjoyed to welcome the Chen family into the ward. All of the members did an outstanding job of reaching out to them over the past few months and the Lord has wrought a miracle in their family. I'm just grateful the Lord allowed me to be here to witness His work and to have a small part to play.

The longer I'm on my mission, the more I look forward to and love going to church. I'm grateful for all I'm able to give and receive. I receive Heavenly help, and am grateful for every opportunity to lift where I stand whether it be the young men, the sick, or anyone else. It's a blessing to be of service to be on the Lord's errand. The members really are the heroes of the church. I've met many a member who goes the extra mile unbeknownst to man. They ask for no praise. They consecrate their service to the Lord, and they are happy in His service. I am happy in his service.

All is well,
Elder Dickson

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