Wednesday, July 27, 2016

July 27th 2016 Turn Your Life Over to God

Things haven't gotten a lot easier, but I'm decidedly happier. Several significant difficulties emerged this past week: a dear elder from our zone returned home, I experienced a small bit of persecution, and some of our mission leaders are in need of greater love and support. Things haven't gotten a lot easier...but I'm decidedly happier. How can this be?

This week, I felt prompted to study Matt. 14:27-33 (when the Apostle Peter walks on the water). Initially, the disciples are afraid when they see Jesus walking on the water, but He is quick to calm their fears. The scriptures say, "straightway Jesus spake[...]Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid." The Lord is quick to comfort us. Peter, with great faith at the time, asks the Lord to "bid [him] come" to Him on the water. The Lord invites Him to come unto Him, and Peter does not hesitate. He walks on the water.1 Ne. 3:7 " I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them." Peter is able to walk on the water because it was the will of the Lord. Through our Savior, we can accomplish literally anything according to His will. However, it is only through faith on Him that we are enabled. When Peter's focus was the Savior he was able to do something seemingly impossible: walk on the sea. However, he looked away for a moment; his focus shifted from the Savior to the wind and the waves (to his trials). In this moment he doubted. He still had faith, but it was not his focus. It was recently shared in General Conference that faith and doubt cannot coexist any more than light and darkness are able to do so. His doubt/fear temporarily drove out his faith, but in this moment he immediately reached out to the Savior, and so, he was saved. 

This scripture applies to all of our lives. We are often called on to do and to pass through trying things, difficult things, things that force us to stretch. This can be painful, but we need never be alone. Because Jesus walked such a long and lonely road, we don't have to. Doctrine and Covenants 122:8 reads, "The Son of Man hath descended below them all. Art thou greater than he?" Christ suffered through and so understands perfectly everything we will ever be faced with. It won't be easy. It never has been. Elder Holland said, "Salvation is not a cheap experience." As a result, the price of salvation has never been cheap. We will be tested and tried, but with the Savior as our focus and the foundation of our faith...we need not worry. We need not fear. We can find joy in the journey. All is well.

When various "winds and waves" hit this week, I actively sought the Savior. I faltered in my efforts, but when I reached out in my time of trial, I was truly saved. Have faith in Him. Focus on Him; everything else will work out. Decide to be happy. Today :) 

(One of the best ways to do this is to turn outward and help another with their problems. Everyone has them whether they make it known or not.)
The new elders in the zone (came in last Wednesday)

Elder Gould, Elder Nelson, Elder Miller, myself, Elder Wilde, Elder Tan*, Elder Chino*, Elder Carroll*, Elder Gibson*,
Front row: Elder Chang, Elder Kwok, Elder Barlow, Elder Tennant*, Elder Johnson
*Fast-Tracked (3 week program)

We ate lunch at the temple last week; it was a wonderful break from the meals at MTC. The food was delicious, and the atmosphere was much calmer. 

I received a package from my sister, Mallory, this past week. It couldn't have come at a better time. I so much loved seeing her beautiful, unique handwriting and reading her witty messages. The jar of peanut butter I hadn't wanted communicated so much love to me; my sister was going to do what she thought was best for me even if I didn't think it was what I wanted. I'm sure I and likely others will be immensely grateful in the near future. The pretzels are also amazing. There are soooo many sweets floating around the MTC. We are offered anywhere between 10 and 20 different delectables throughout the day, (whether it be donuts, cookies, cinnamon rolls, etc.) but almost no one has anything salty or remotely "healthy." As a result, the pretzels are all but gone, but they have brought smiles to many. The package fortified me for a rough next few hours. Thank you! 

There was fresh fruit in the residence last night. Therefore, miracles still happen in our day ;)

Last week I mentioned a dessert my brother, Hyrum, would very much enjoy. This week it is my sister's turn. I had Graham Canyon Cheesecake, and I need not say more. I love you Mallory!

The missionary who went home was not understood by many in the zone. I will not reveal his identity out of respect. He deserves respect. He was struggling through many weighty matters not even his companion knew of, and ultimately, he did return home. Before he left we were able to give him a blessing. It wasn't a long blessing; I didn't even give the blessing (though I was blessed to be able to stand in), yet I felt the greatest love for this young man. I didn't know him well at all, but I knew and I felt that he was loved. I felt that love. Heavenly Father loves him and is there for him as He is for all of us. I know Heavenly Father loves us perfectly, infinitely, and unconditionally. We determined to pray and fast for him and his family. He will be alright. We will all be alright. Trust God. 

I tried to run/sprint a mile this week for exercise. And...yeah, I just about died. I may be a bit out of shape, but the difference in elevation didn't help matters ;P

We passed the halfway mark of our time at the MTC this week. I can't decide if it's going super fast or super slow. I think both, but I do plan on this second half being the better of the two. I'm running out of time to prepare, and I don't wish to waste a moment.

The language is really coming along with God's help. I worked with my teacher one-on-one some and he said my "Zhongwen" or Chinese is awesome. I know this is only possible through God's help and the gift of tongues. With Him anything is possible.

We got a third teacher this week. He was our teacher's teacher when he was at the MTC. He seems really cool. The Nashville Tribute Band came on Sunday in celebration of Pioneer Day and we were able to sing as their back-up singers. It was a good experience. There were also fireworks on Pioneer to me, but cool. TRC was also a positive experience this week.

Amin may finally be progressing.
Wayne is wonderful. He's so very sincere and his desire to learn is incredible. He's very receptive to the Spirit. We taught the Plan of Salvation this week (later learned we were being observed through a one-way mirror). I love God's plan for us. It's one of my favorite truths brought to us by the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. The lesson went very well and by the end both he and I had shed some tears. It was such a happy moment to share a message that has brought me so much joy and comfort.

I'm grateful for my calling. It has afforded me many opportunities to forget myself and help others in their times of need. This next week we will receive 27 new missionaries into the zone. We are excited to get to know them and to help them. Our goal as zone leaders is to "never let a problem to be solved be greater than a person to be loved!" -President Monson. The Savior's way is one by one. His gospel is about individuals. It's about you and me.

I had never thought of this before in this way, but it makes sense. Regarding the First Vision, "Ask God, He was there."

I plan to get my hair cut later today. I'll send a picture next week if not later today. We're also going to the temple before long. 

I was very glad to receive a dear elder from Sister Baird. Thank you for your thoughts and friendship. It has helped me already, and I'm confident it will continue to do so. Thanks!

There's much I didn't get to this week as a ton happened, but I trust I hit the most important points.
My testimony of the temple was strengthened greatly today. I'm very grateful for this as it's something I've been working and wishing to develop further. 

I also beat the MTC standing long jump record (10 feet and 1 inch), but I'll need to go back and do it again. I wanted to see how close I was to beating it, so I tried today. I did a warm up jump; I paused for a moment, and then I went back to the jumping line. I didn't realize I had beat it, and they didn't know how much I had beat it by. It's hard to post a record if you don't know what it is. I tried a few more times, but I could only tie the record. I'll get it this next week.

I got my hair cut; It turned out really good. I don't believe I've ever had my hair cut professionally before.  My mom always cut it.

Thank you all for your continued love, support, and prayers!!!

Every morning, when you wake up, ask God what He would have you do that day. Then do it. Do this every day of your life, and you will be astounded by the blessings and joy that come into your life.

All is well,
Elder Dickson

My parents were in California visiting my grandparents this past week and they got to see Jacob Hadden who was my mini-mission trainer a few years ago and also met a couple at the LA Temple Visitors Center who have a grandson that is going to the other mission in Taiwan: Elder and Sister Councill.

 The Councill family

My dad, Hyrum, and Emilie, with Jacob Hadden

July 20, 2016 Provo MTC

The week has flown by; Taiwan feels a little closer every day. One reason the time has vanished is due to the fact that I am now even busier than before. My companion and I were called as Zone Leaders this week over a zone of roughly 70 missionaries. I'm very grateful for the opportunity to serve in this capacity. I've been praying constantly from the time I arrived here that I might be able to have and recognize increased opportunities to serve and aid my fellow missionaries here at the MTC. Now I have that chance. It certainly isn't easy, but God is most definitely working by my side. I've felt His assurance in times of distress that He's pleased with me efforts. I receive continual guidance and support as I seek to know and do His will. I trust Him and am so very grateful that He trusts me to serve His children.

My MTC District

WWJD. Many of you are likely familiar with this acronym and it's meaning, "What would Jesus do?" This week I've been pondering this simple acronym, but with a twist--WWJF..."What would Jesus feel?" At times when I am frustrated for any reason with another missionary I think to myself "what would Jesus feel?" The resultant action is then naturally positive, yet it also helps me do things with the right state of heart. Jesus always loves us. He always understands. He sees us as who we have the potential to become. As I keep WWJF in my thoughts I am able to better follow His example and be a better leader as a result. The best leaders are the best followers...of Jesus Christ.

I've also been pondering what really is and isn't important. Stepping away from the world has given me much greater vision, and I've developed a test of importance: Does this thing (whatever it may be) help one or more of God's children? If not, it's really not worth it. There are many ways to help others, not all of them obvious in nature, so it's something you can really think about.

I loved teaching a lesson on obedience this week for priesthood. I may have time to elaborate later, but I learned a ton preparing it. Now, when I hear the word obedience, I immediately associate it with faith and love.

We were able to attend the temple this past week, and we will be going again later today. It was peaceful and a great strength to me as I took on the week ahead. The temple is the House of Lord, thereby His presence is felt within its walls and even on its grounds. I'm grateful for temples.

Choir is getting HUGE. There were approximately 1500 missionaries in the choir on Sunday (there are over 2500 on campus now...bad news for the lunch lines...but a good problem to have). We will be singing as the backup singers for the Nashville Tribute Band next week. This kind of surprised me, but I think it will be a good experience.
Zone Leader Tie

I've been able to work with and assist the new missionaries in many ways both before and especially after being called to serve as Zone Leader. I find great joy in so doing. I recognize one of the new elders. His name is Elder Kwok. I recognize and trust him as though he was someone I've known all my life. He recognized me in the same way from the get-go. We've tried to deduce where we may have met prior to the MTC, but we haven't been able to figure it out. I'll attach a picture and maybe one of you knows or can figure out where the connection may have taken place. I'm not opposed to the idea that we don't really know each other and that God simply chose to answer my pray to be able to help others in this way. He and his district trust me and come to me with their concerns and problems due to our trust in each other. It's allowed me to resolve many of their worries and questions, and I am grateful. I believe it is possible that God gave us feelings of trust so that I might be able to serve them.

Elder Kwok

I'm also grateful my parents helped me pack so well. I have everything I need and a little more. This has enabled me to help those who are sick or in other ways in need of help. Thank you.

Amin - We've testified to her many times of the importance of prayer. No one can know of spiritual truths without prayer. She possesses a sound knowledge of most all gospel principles, yet she lacks desire to believe and is unwilling to keep her commitments including those to pray on her own. We are unable to help her further. She is resistant to the Spirit and we cannot override her agency or right to choose. God may yet work miracles with her according to our faith, but if not we may need to stop teaching her.

Wayne - Wayne is progressing wonderfully. He has accepted baptism, and we are continuing to teach him. We have established a friendship and trust with him. He knows we are there to help him because we love him. We're really starting to team teach (my companion and I) with Wayne because he is much more comfortable when teaching him. 

Sunday evening, we watched Bednar's "Character of Christ" again for our evening devotional. I loved it. It's truly an inspired message, yet many of the elders were less than enthusiastic thinking that we were watching it because the MTC couldn't find anyone who would come and speak to us. The video ended, and who walked in, but Elder Bednar himself with most if not all of his extended family. It was spiritually overwhelming and really just very cool. He opened up the next hour or so as a live Q&A regarding his address we had just watched. I didn't ask a question because I did not feel prompted to do so. However, all of my questions and concerns were addressed (even the ones I didn't know I had). He promised us the Spirit was answering our questions in this Q&A session and he was there only to facilitate. My questions were indeed answered by the Spirit and I learned much and was the recipient of much comfort. This was much needed as I had been called as Zone Leader earlier that day.

I ran into someone else I know from EFY: Elder Dahl. It was wonderful to see him again. We talked for a while, but the feelings I had from the Spirit told me a lot more than what we said. He's doing incredibly and headed to Japan. I felt he was on track and that God was pleased with his efforts. It was a happy reunion. I also ran into Sister Jackson from Carbondale ward. She's off to Frankfurt, Germany. It was wonderful to see another missionary I knew.

Most missionaries aren't fans of the food here. I really don't mind it. It's not the best; it's not the worst, but it's really pretty good considering the quantity they have to produce. Anyway, I had some peanut butter pie that was pretty fantastic this week. It made me think of Hyrum; he would have loved it.

Elder Don R. Clarke came to speak yesterday. He spoke on becoming a Preach My Gospel missionary. The general consensus was that it wasn't the greatest message we've heard since coming to the MTC, yet I got more from his address that most any other last night. I'm so very grateful for God's constant assistance. I know I can do nothing of my own power and that I can do literally anything with Him on my side according to His will.

The Brother of Jared and Chinese Translation:
In Chinese there is a word for older brother and a word for younger brother. When the BOM was being translated into Chinese the translators had to know whether he was the older or the younger brother. And so, the First Presidency prayed about it and received revelation on the matter. The word was translated as gege. This means that the brother of Jared was in fact the older brother. This was an incredible discovery to me (mostly the process by which it was determined, but also the actual knowledge itself).

We're making great progress with the zone. There are definite challenges to overcome, but I've decided not to stress over it and trust it to God. He truly qualifies those He calls.

Our Zone at the MTC

As zone leader I am accountable to God for how I carry out my many responsibilities. This requires me to help the other missionaries understand when they aren't doing what they ought to be doing. This could be a scary thing, but with God on my side it's a piece of pie (peanut butter or no). 2 Tim. 1:7 "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."

I've also realized how much God had blessed my family as I've stepped back. There have been many hard things we've been faced with, but we need not worry because God is with us. He has and will continue to watch over and provide for us as we seek to do His will and share His love. 

There's no need for worry or fear. God takes care of all. Trust Him.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Week 3 at the Provo MTC July 13, 2016

I've decided it's equal parts fortunate and unfortunate that I am unable to type in Chinese on the computers in the email lab. It's unfortunate because it would be good practice and I think pretty cool, but at the same time my friends and family (you, the reader) might not appreciate it near so much.

Picture of the Zone

I've had several thoughts this week as I studied the scriptures and attended various classes and devotionals. The first is simply that the heart is of greater importance than we, or at least I, often realize. Yes, it's crucial to your survival in a very literal and physical sense, but the state of our hearts seems to be literally crucial to our survival (and happiness) in a spiritual sense as well. I've noticed as I've been able to deepen my studies that it is near impossible to read the scriptures for any significant length of time without coming upon a scripture that speaks about the heart. I won't share all of what I learned, but I invite you to study the scriptures on this topic(the heart) and see what you can learn. I would also love for you to email me some of your findings if you'd be willing as I'm confident in your abilities to find things I haven't.

-Importance of the heart diagram

I had the opportunity to interview with Brother Hay (my teacher and friend) this week. We discussed further how I could maintain my standards and live up to the expectations God has for me while still being able to relate to, help, and understand those less desirous to be on missions at this time. He and I have both been studying this out and praying about it. He said he felt impressed to tell me that God was pleased with my efforts, that they were acceptable to Him, but that God wanted me to be happier and less stressed (the mission is meant to be a happy time). He said it's not that I don't seem happy, but that God wants me to find even greater joy than I've been able to thus far. He thinks I might be working too hard, but I'm not quite convinced. Just before my interview a sister in the zone gave me a sticker for my MTC ID that says "Smile." The Lord works in mysterious ways, but He gets His work done. I'm making a conscious effort to not only be happier, but also to express my happiness better by smiling. I get my happiness/energy from serving others. It's been hard to find opportunities to do this in the MTC due to its efficiency, but recently the Lord has helped me recognize needs I can fill. I've been able to be happier and I'm trying to show it. :)

SMILE sticker

There's been a lot said this week about adversity and about how it's through adversity that we can come closer to Christ. I recall in my setting apart as a missionary, it was said that I would be able to find joy in the midst of my afflictions/sufferings. This was scary to me at first, but I understand better now and I'm certain I'll understand even better in the near future that this is a great blessing indeed. I'm grateful for the trials that bring me closer to God, and I know that I can find JOY in the journey.

Our purpose as missionaries is to INVITE others to COME unto CHRIST. The wording is very important. Invite - We can't make them do anything. If we invite others to come unto Christ and teach with the Spirit, whether they accept the gospel or not we have been successful. Come - this word implies that you're already there. I can't tell you to come to the door of a room if I'm sitting on the opposite side (it just doesn't work). It's the same with missionary work; we must come unto Christ ourselves to help others do so. This is an ongoing process, but one of great importance. Christ - He is our message. It's all about Him and what He means to us. 

The investigators:
Amin - She is quite capable and very blessed. She has a basic understanding of the gospel, but she has no belief backing her knowledge. However this is limiting her ability to come closer to God. She has been taught and firmly believes that all that is good in her life is a result of her own efforts and that alone. We inquired as to what her beliefs were and learned that she believed in herself alone. I tried to explain to her in my less than perfect Mandarin that I was glad she believed in herself, but that God had blessed her with all she had. She countered by arguing that she had received a volleyball scholarship due to her continual practice. I agreed with her in part, but I also explained to her that her body was a gift from God in addition to all else she possessed. We didn't want to argue though, so we proceeded with our lesson. I recently had a thought that I believe will help her understand this important principle, and we intend to teach her about gratitude and more about her relationship with God tomorrow

Wayne - Wayne knew next to nothing in regards to the gospel when we began teaching him, but he is very teachable and receptive. He desires to learn and come closer to Christ. Sadly, he and his wife got a divorce a few years back, though he has two young children whom he loves dearly; they are everything to him. He has kept his commitments thus far and he recently agreed to follow the example of Jesus Christ by being baptized.

Hymns on the Hill

We had TRC this week. This means that we taught and fellow-shipped members. It was a real confidence booster. They were very nice, and we were able to communicate with one another quite well. We actually ended up teaching my companion's old high school Chinese teacher at one point. 

We played Can Jam this week. As I played it, I thought it was something my family and I would enjoy playing together (feel free to look into it and practice for when I get back). ;) We also continued playing sand volleyball with the zone (quite fun). The gym is closed so much of my district is slowly dying inside over that. I really don't mind, but I'm trying to be understanding. We also recently got a basketball hoop in our room...not an improvement in my mind, but I'm learning to be patient with myself and others. :)

I wish to and feel it is part of my purpose as a missionary to help my fellow missionaries. After much prayer and study I've found or been shown a method that I discovered, but forgot, some time ago. UNDERSTANDING>LOVING>ABLE TO HELP. I've created information webs for each member of my district to better understand where those in my district are coming from and how I can best meet their needs. I'm also praying to love them and trying to show them a better way to go about things by leading by example rather than with the whip. Almost none of my friends in life have had much in common with me, but as I've come to understand them they've come to mean everything to me. I know that I can come to better love (I love them already) those in my district with the Lord's help. Once they truly know and understand that I love them--that is when I will REALLY be able to help them as the Lord would like me to be able to.

understanding others aid

We viewed Monson's Life and Ministry this week. It was inspiring to see the love manifest through the life of our dear prophet and the many lives he had been able to touch in the process.

Several years back when I was a new deacon I was in my first stake priesthood meeting (perhaps the youngest one there). An older brother was coughing near the front of the chapel and I was sitting in the back. I felt I should run to the kitchen, fill a glass of water, and bring it to the gentlemen. I didn't do it. I was scared. I was the least experienced there. Someone who knew how things were done would see to the need. I couldn't get up and leave in the middle of the meeting...

I've since learned that my fears were imagined, promptings should never be ignored, and serving others is always the priority. I've since had opportunities where I've been able to respond differently in similar situations and found joy in so doing. Be courageous in well-doing. In the service of your fellow beings you are always in the right. Your fears are imagined. Promptings from the Spirit should always be heeded. Serving others is always the priority; it's what the Savior would do.

The language is coming along well. My companion and I are SYLing better and developing new language learning techniques. We've been able to memorize the 1st Vision among other things. One of the most difficult things about Chinese is the grammar. They say everything backwards (from my point of view--I'm sure they would say the same of English) so you have to know all of what you want to say before you begin speaking. In English, we have a tendency to start a sentence as we think of what we want to say and to then turn our words where we want them to go. In Chinese you've got to start with the end in mind--not a piece of cake, but we'll get it as the Lord wills it and we put in the necessary effort.

District 2C

We were sad to say goodbye to District 2C this week. They're such wonderful people and missionaries. Luckily, all but one of them are headed to Taipei, Taiwan, so I'll get to see them all again soon. Elder Walters, a piano prodigy much respected, entrusted me with a letter to mail to him family after he left. It doesn't seem like much, but it sent a message to me that I was doing something right. It told me that I had earned his trust (though I haven't been here the longest), and it helped me realize that I was doing better than I believed myself to be doing (this tends to be the case with me). We're excited to meet the new Mandarin districts coming in later today.

I was grateful to receive a package this week. It contained a wide assortment of goodies and commodities all bearing clever scriptural references. Thank you for the time and thought that went into this; I'm very grateful.

part of the package from Mousers

The temple is open today, so we will be able to go a little later. I'm excited for the opportunity.
(Pictures sent later)

At the temple with the zone

I love you all!! Thank you for reading!! I much appreciate your prayers and I feel their effects daily!!

We came to know God in our EXTREMITIES and it is our privilege to pay the price to do so. A pioneer in the fated Martin Handcart company said, "‘Was I sorry that I chose to come by handcart? No. Neither then nor any minute of my life since. The price we paid to become acquainted with God was a privilege to pay."

For comfort in difficult times see:

Doctrine and Covenants 122:5-8 
 5 "If thou art called to pass through tribulation; if thou art in perils among false brethren; if thou art in perils among robbers; if thou art in perils by land or by sea;
 If thou art accused with all manner of false accusations; if thine enemies fall upon thee; if they tear thee from the society of thy father and mother and brethren and sisters; and if with a drawn sword thine enemies tear thee from the bosom of thy wife, and of thine offspring, and thine elder son, although but six years of age, shall cling to thy garments, and shall say, My father, my father, why can’t you stay with us? O, my father, what are the men going to do with you? and if then he shall be thrust from thee by the sword, and thou be dragged to prison, and thine enemies prowl around thee like wolves for the blood of the lamb;
 And if thou shouldst be cast into the pit, or into the hands of murderers, and the sentence of death passed upon thee; if thou be cast into the deep; if the billowing surge conspire against thee; if fierce winds become thine enemy; if the heavens gather blackness, and all the elements combine to hedge up the way; and above all, if the very jaws of hell shall gape open the mouth wide after thee, know thou, my son, that all these things shall give thee experience, and shall be for thy good.
 The Son of Man hath descended below them all. Art thou greater than he?"

Mark 4:40
"And he said unto them, Why are ye so fearful? how is it that ye have no faith?"


Elder Dickson

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Provo MTC Week 2

  ​​​​My initial teacher, Brother Hay (Hai laoshi)
Once again, much has happened, and there's little time to relate it. It's difficult to believe it's Preparation-Day again already. We would normally go to the temple on P-Day, but the temple is closed for a few weeks while it undergoes renovations. We got to play volleyball with the zone earlier today. Our district had gotten to be quite good; we make a good team.
Zone volleyball on P-day

Cici. We were able to teach her twice more since I last wrote. The first lesson went incredibly well. She kept her commitments and made definite progress--her understanding and belief growing greatly. The next and last lesson was a different story. We prepared ourselves and went in with the Spirit. We planned to review everything we had taught her thus far and to then invite her to follow the example of Jesus Christ and be baptized. However, she wasn't receptive in the least. The Spirit was undeniably present, but she had no desire to believe, learn, or come closer to Christ. She didn't keep her commitments, and she had forgotten everything we had taught her up to that point. We worked with her as best we could, but we could detect no reason for this sudden change in her. The next day she entered our classroom as our second teacher.

We began teaching a couple of new investigators. They're both our teachers, but they're role-playing as either people that taught on their missions or friends of theirs'. We've taught Amin (the new Cici) once already. We explained to her as best we could in Chinese that we couldn't help her. Our Chinese simply wasn't good enough, but that I knew God could help her. He wants to. He loves her. We, as representatives of Jesus Christ, can do all things through Him according to His will. She was much more receptive after this, and she worked with us better than she might otherwise have.

The Chinese is still coming along well. I learn how to say new things each day, and my companion and I are working hard to SYL (speak your language). It is increasingly rare for me to not know how to express myself in Chinese for which I am very grateful. I've managed to memorize our purpose, the baptismal invitation, and several key scriptures in Mandarin. I'm currently working on the 1st vision. I was even able to understand a native Taiwanese speaker who was speaking at a regular pace. However, it's not me. There's no way I could pick up so much so fast. It is only through the Spirit and the Lord that I have been able to have success thus far. I'm confident that I could go to Taiwan today and help the people come closer to Christ. All I really need to do is testify of simple truths; the Spirit does the rest. Learning Chinese these next few weeks will just make things go that much better. It will allow the people to focus more on WHAT I say than on HOW I am saying it. It will also allow them to pay greater attention to the feelings they receive from the Spirit...


I remain humble and recognize that is is only through the Atonement of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Ghost that I am able to realize success. Even if I speak perfect Mandarin, if I lose sight of this, I will not be able to bless the lives of those the Lord has prepared for me to teach.

I ran into the first person I knew prior to my stay at the MTC this week--Ashley Ellsworth from my first year of EFY. She's going to the Philippines and learning Tagalog. It was nice to catch up for a moment and exchange greetings, but we're far too busy to really talk about anything. 

Saturday evening we attended the International Celebration of Freedom devotional held at the MTC. Highlights included the presentation of flags where we have missionaries in the world, the identification of missionaries at the MTC from every corner of the earth going to every corner of the earth, and a time-lapse that showed the growth of the church since the restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. After the devotional we watched some fireworks. The actual 4th of July didn't feel much like a holiday. The only real indication of the celebrations going on in the outside world were the red, white, and blue color schemes worn by many and the sound of fireworks in the evening. It was a good day though. 

Sunday was fast Sunday. I began my fast the evening prior immediately following dinner and made it to dinner the next day without ever feeling hungry (an oddity at the MTC where we never stop). Many of the other elders in my district ate up until they went to bed, yet they seemed to suffer from a vocal case of starvation. I was definitely blessed in this way. I'm grateful for fasting and the miracles that can be wrought through it. 
My companion taught a wonderful lesson on the Book of Mormon in priesthood, and I later taught a lesson on the Spirit in district meeting. Between the two of us, we covered the two most valuable resources known to missionaries. We also had a compliment circle. We did this as a family just before I departed and I had the thought that it would be good to do with the district to build unity, but I thought it would be better to do before we left for the field once we got to know one another better. I made a note and moved on, but another elder in our district brought it up a little later. Clearly it was something we were supposed to do. I was shocked when my companion (for the third of fourth time) emphasized his gratitude for my patience. I've always considered patience my weakest point. The Lord undeniably has had a hand in this. Ether 12:27 "And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them." I also learned from the remainder of the district that I'm the "district mom" -- I love everyone, but I don't allow them to step too far out of line. I was also glad to have the opportunity to bear my testimony on Sunday. I even got to do it in English! 
We went on temple walk again and that evening we attended a devotional focused on enduring to the end. To sum it up, Enduring = Becoming. That evening we we able to view Holland's "Missions Are Forever." It was inspiring to say the least (it rivaled Bednar's message last week). He encouraged us to internalize our purpose and then go out and astonish people. He also counseled us that the road to salvation leads through Gethsemane. The mission will not be easy for us. It wasn't easy for the Savior of the world. Why should it be easy for us? Our comfort is that because His road was so long and lonely ours doesn't have to be. He is truly with us every step of the way. 

Choir was once again a highlight of the week. The director explained to us our part in the work in this analogy. Think of Paul Bunyan's pet bull (the big blue one named Babe). The Savior has invited us to share the yoke with Him. He's the massive bull and we're just a cow. We're yoked with Him, but our feet don't even hit the ground. We're so excited to be out here, but we need not fear. It's is work. We just need to allow Him to work through us. I didn't explain that very well, but due to time restraints it will have to do. 
My rendition of the painting shown to us in choir (I'm not the best artist and time was short) 

Marlin K. Jensen, an Emeritus 70, spoke last night on faith. It was perfect since I began studying the Christlike attributes in Preach My Gospel in depth only yesterday. One thing he said that kind of struck me was that if we use our study time effectively throughout our mission, it is the equivalent of a Master's Degree in Theology. I bought a Book of Mormon to mark all the Christlike attributes I can find in the scriptures (different attributes different colors). I'm excited to learn as I study. "Our Search for Happiness" by Ballard is also an inspired work. I highly recommend it (even though I've only gotten through the first chapter with my comp.).
The desk where some serious work is done (it's normally cleaner; we were just hard at work when I took the picture)

One night we had a little extra time (crazy, right?). My companion and I decided to walk through the main building and just view the paintings and photographs there. No one else was around so it was perfectly quiet. It was the best part of the day and a wonderful way to wind down before bed. 

The happiest missionaries (or people) are the ones that love the people (others) more than they love themselves. John 13:1-17  Here is 13-17 "Ye call me Master and Lord: and ye say well; for so I am. 14 If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet; ye also ought to wash one another's feet. 15 For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you. 16 Verily, verily, I say unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord; neither he that is sent greater than he that sent him. 17 If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them."
It hasn't been easy so far. We've had our fair share of challenges and never enough rest, but somehow we get through. I testify that "somehow" is the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Through Him we can do all things. The scripture that best sums up these first two weeks is Proverbs 3:5-6 5 "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths"

I know that as we trust in the Lord, He will show us the way. He already has, and He's eager to help us along.

Have the best week!!

Elder Dickson

Here is where everyone in the district is going:

Elder Garcia - Hong Kong
Elder Peterson - San Jose California
Elder Ure - Ireland
Elder Tooley - England
Elder Smith - Hong Kong
Elder Engel - Hong Kong
Elder Lawrence - Taiwan, Taipei
Myself - Taiwan, Taipei
Sister Tiffany - Scotland
Sister Jones - Taiwan, Taipei
Sister Chang - Taiwan, Taipei
Also, here is my mom and dad meeting the new president and his wife of the St. Louis Missouri Mission, President and Sister Bateman.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

My first week at the MTC in Provo, UT

My District (left to right: Elders Engel, Smith, Lawrence, Dickson, Tooley, Ure, Peterson, Garcia, 
Sisters Chang, Jones, Tiffany)

Reed's first letter home by email:

The adventure began in a crazy way. It was roughly 9:30 last Wednesday, and Brian asked me if I was hungry. I told him I wasn't terribly hungry, but that I felt a little nervous. We loaded into the car and began our drive. We continued our drive and I began to realize we were getting closer and closer to the MTC. Before I processed what was happening we were through the front gates of the MTC and I was hearing the words, "Welcome to the MTC Elder." In hindsight, this was a blessing because I didn't even have time to be nervous. The first day was fairly stressful. Apparently we came in with the largest group of missionaries of the year (700 and some I believe). There was just a lot to accomplish and a lot of new. I was rushed from foreign location to foreign location by my host until I found myself at the door to my classroom. Before I had time to collect myself, the grinning face of my teacher greeted me. He spoke quickly and only in Chinese, yet, to my surprise, I felt peaceful for the first time since my arrival. I actually understood much of what he said, but more importantly I felt the love of God and that I could be equal to the task with His aid (1 Ne. 3:7). 

"7 And it came to pass that I, Nephi, said unto my father: I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them."

My companion...Elder Landon L. Lawrence. He's an incredible guy. His attention to detail is among his greatest strengths and weaknesses. He is easily distracted and very social, but he also catches and remembers things I sometimes miss. He readily follows, but he is beginning to lead out more and more in positive ways. He's very humble, teachable, and supportive. He possesses very little Chinese experience, but I'm helping him catch up. He accepts advice and help well. He's also straightforward and let's me know how he's feeling. We work well together when we work alone (without the remainder of our district simply because this tends to lead to distraction). He wasn't sure he would serve a mission, but I'm very glad he did. We are both learning from one another. He also knows EVERYONE. He was born and raised in Orem, Utah, so we are in his backyard. He knows missionaries, leaders, and everyone in between. This is nice in some ways since I don't know anyone here. We're not all that similar, but I've already come to love him for who he is.

We had the opportunity to watch David A. Bednar's "Character of Christ." I believe it can only be viewed in the MTC. It was undeniably life-changing. I wanted to record every word he spoke, but the focus of his message was on Jesus Christ. He basically taught that every time you or I would have turned inward, (complained or wanted someone to feel sorry for us) Jesus Christ turned outward and saw to the needs of others. I'm trying to do this more in my life. It's difficult though, because the MTC is highly efficient, (most any need anyone could possibly have has already been addressed and solved) and I typically draw my strength from serving others. I just need to remember that my studies and training is a form of service to those in my district and to those I will meet in Taiwan.

My Chinese is coming along incredibly well. I have definitely been blessed in this respect. I pray for the gift of tongues every time I pray, and I am making great progress. I can pray and testify of gospel truths in Mandarin now. We have taught our 1st investigator, Cici, three times now. We speak only Chinese when we teach and work with her. The 1st lesson wasn't the best, but these last two have been incredible and the Spirit has been present. She has communicated with our teacher, and we are apparently teaching the best. We rely almost entirely on the Spirit to know what to say. We prepare ourselves, but we usually just end up listening to her needs and questions and trying to help her. We got her to pray the other day after teaching her. We are just glad she is finally showing some emotion. At 1st, we thought she might be a robot or something. Our teacher is phenomenal! Laoshi Hay.

My name is Ding Zhang Lao. This just means Elder Ding...which may be the closest translation to my last name...maybe. Stephen B. Allen spoke to us on Sunday. (He was my mom's mission president at the end of her mission in Arizona Tempe).  He is the director of all missionary efforts in the church. He explained the significance of our labors and also that the adversary would work extra hard to try to "push our buttons." The adversary knows us too, so we must be steadfast and immovable in our convictions. We also need to rely on the Savior and one another for support.

It's been clear since we arrived here that the fundamentals are the keys to success. The gospel of Jesus Christ isn't complex, but it's the truth and it works. The MTC choir is incredible!! There are 904 missionaries singing in it at present. The director is hilarious, spiritual, and accomplished. We sang a hymn that is only sang in the MTC. It is entitled something like "Hurrah for Israel." It's also at least as cool as I was told it would be every time we sing Called to Serve. The Spirit testifies powerfully of our call to serve each time. 

Lyrics of Called to Serve:

  1. 1. Called to serve Him, heav'nly King of glory,
    Chosen e'er to witness for his name,
    Far and wide we tell the Father's story,
    Far and wide his love proclaim.
  2. 2. Called to know the richness of his blessing--
    Sons and daughters, children of a King--
    Glad of heart, his holy name confessing,
    Praises unto him we bring.
  3. Chorus
    Onward, ever onward, as we glory in his name;
    Onward, ever onward, as we glory in his name;
    Forward, pressing forward, as a triumph song we sing.
    God our strength will be; press forward ever,
    Called to serve our King.

The food's not so bad here. Or, it's at least all-you-can-eat. The zone plays volleyball together once or twice a week and it's quite enjoyable. I really like our zone. My companion and I have kept pretty busy in many ways (among them working to fulfill the requirements for our Visas: blood-tests, x-rays, etc.).

I've started reading Jesus the Christ, and I'm enjoying it thus far.

The elders in my district:

Our district is in need of some help. 6 out of the 8 guys just graduated like this month. They're just a little young and still adjusting. Some may just not be comfortable feeling the Spirit yet. They all have strengths though too. I've recorded them and tried to make that my focus. They're wonderful guys, and as with my companion, I've already come to love them. They just have a little way to go before they become the best missionaries they can be. I'm trying to help them however I can.  We've been invited to use Doctrine and Covenants 88:119 and replace the word "house" with "district."

Mervyn B. Arnold of the Quorum of the 70 also came to talk to the missionaries. His focus was on what kind of missionaries we ought to be. He used the Savior's words with one slight alteration. "What manner of MISSIONARIES ought ye to be. Even as I am."

I feel like my ability to speak and write English has regressed at least slightly. I tend to only say/write things I can say in Chinese (not intentionally). I'm still adjusting to the dry climate and elevation (lots of bloody noses, but it's alright). It's been challenging here, but I pray always and I have hope. I'm doing the best I can, and I will continue to do so.

The recently released Zone Leaders and other friends from the zone (Elders: Triplett, Mueller, Carson, and Walters)

It's hard to believe so much has happened in so little time. There's so much more I wish I could say, but we only get an hour to email. In short, all is well and all will be well. Thank you for the many prayers! I have felt heavenly assistance many times since my arrival here. I will write back to any to email me personally (though it may be short depending on time).

I see these next two years--my mission--as a time for me to build the foundation on which I will be able to build the rest of my life and eternity. I wish to build it well. I wish to build it on Christ.

Elder Dickson
Reed Eugene Dickson
My MTC District:

Maxwell Tooley
Decker Ure
Andres Garcia
Connor Peterson
Landon Lawrence
Zane Smith
Alec Engel

McKayla Jones
Savanah Tiffany