Wednesday, July 27, 2016

July 20, 2016 Provo MTC

The week has flown by; Taiwan feels a little closer every day. One reason the time has vanished is due to the fact that I am now even busier than before. My companion and I were called as Zone Leaders this week over a zone of roughly 70 missionaries. I'm very grateful for the opportunity to serve in this capacity. I've been praying constantly from the time I arrived here that I might be able to have and recognize increased opportunities to serve and aid my fellow missionaries here at the MTC. Now I have that chance. It certainly isn't easy, but God is most definitely working by my side. I've felt His assurance in times of distress that He's pleased with me efforts. I receive continual guidance and support as I seek to know and do His will. I trust Him and am so very grateful that He trusts me to serve His children.

My MTC District

WWJD. Many of you are likely familiar with this acronym and it's meaning, "What would Jesus do?" This week I've been pondering this simple acronym, but with a twist--WWJF..."What would Jesus feel?" At times when I am frustrated for any reason with another missionary I think to myself "what would Jesus feel?" The resultant action is then naturally positive, yet it also helps me do things with the right state of heart. Jesus always loves us. He always understands. He sees us as who we have the potential to become. As I keep WWJF in my thoughts I am able to better follow His example and be a better leader as a result. The best leaders are the best followers...of Jesus Christ.

I've also been pondering what really is and isn't important. Stepping away from the world has given me much greater vision, and I've developed a test of importance: Does this thing (whatever it may be) help one or more of God's children? If not, it's really not worth it. There are many ways to help others, not all of them obvious in nature, so it's something you can really think about.

I loved teaching a lesson on obedience this week for priesthood. I may have time to elaborate later, but I learned a ton preparing it. Now, when I hear the word obedience, I immediately associate it with faith and love.

We were able to attend the temple this past week, and we will be going again later today. It was peaceful and a great strength to me as I took on the week ahead. The temple is the House of Lord, thereby His presence is felt within its walls and even on its grounds. I'm grateful for temples.

Choir is getting HUGE. There were approximately 1500 missionaries in the choir on Sunday (there are over 2500 on campus now...bad news for the lunch lines...but a good problem to have). We will be singing as the backup singers for the Nashville Tribute Band next week. This kind of surprised me, but I think it will be a good experience.
Zone Leader Tie

I've been able to work with and assist the new missionaries in many ways both before and especially after being called to serve as Zone Leader. I find great joy in so doing. I recognize one of the new elders. His name is Elder Kwok. I recognize and trust him as though he was someone I've known all my life. He recognized me in the same way from the get-go. We've tried to deduce where we may have met prior to the MTC, but we haven't been able to figure it out. I'll attach a picture and maybe one of you knows or can figure out where the connection may have taken place. I'm not opposed to the idea that we don't really know each other and that God simply chose to answer my pray to be able to help others in this way. He and his district trust me and come to me with their concerns and problems due to our trust in each other. It's allowed me to resolve many of their worries and questions, and I am grateful. I believe it is possible that God gave us feelings of trust so that I might be able to serve them.

Elder Kwok

I'm also grateful my parents helped me pack so well. I have everything I need and a little more. This has enabled me to help those who are sick or in other ways in need of help. Thank you.

Amin - We've testified to her many times of the importance of prayer. No one can know of spiritual truths without prayer. She possesses a sound knowledge of most all gospel principles, yet she lacks desire to believe and is unwilling to keep her commitments including those to pray on her own. We are unable to help her further. She is resistant to the Spirit and we cannot override her agency or right to choose. God may yet work miracles with her according to our faith, but if not we may need to stop teaching her.

Wayne - Wayne is progressing wonderfully. He has accepted baptism, and we are continuing to teach him. We have established a friendship and trust with him. He knows we are there to help him because we love him. We're really starting to team teach (my companion and I) with Wayne because he is much more comfortable when teaching him. 

Sunday evening, we watched Bednar's "Character of Christ" again for our evening devotional. I loved it. It's truly an inspired message, yet many of the elders were less than enthusiastic thinking that we were watching it because the MTC couldn't find anyone who would come and speak to us. The video ended, and who walked in, but Elder Bednar himself with most if not all of his extended family. It was spiritually overwhelming and really just very cool. He opened up the next hour or so as a live Q&A regarding his address we had just watched. I didn't ask a question because I did not feel prompted to do so. However, all of my questions and concerns were addressed (even the ones I didn't know I had). He promised us the Spirit was answering our questions in this Q&A session and he was there only to facilitate. My questions were indeed answered by the Spirit and I learned much and was the recipient of much comfort. This was much needed as I had been called as Zone Leader earlier that day.

I ran into someone else I know from EFY: Elder Dahl. It was wonderful to see him again. We talked for a while, but the feelings I had from the Spirit told me a lot more than what we said. He's doing incredibly and headed to Japan. I felt he was on track and that God was pleased with his efforts. It was a happy reunion. I also ran into Sister Jackson from Carbondale ward. She's off to Frankfurt, Germany. It was wonderful to see another missionary I knew.

Most missionaries aren't fans of the food here. I really don't mind it. It's not the best; it's not the worst, but it's really pretty good considering the quantity they have to produce. Anyway, I had some peanut butter pie that was pretty fantastic this week. It made me think of Hyrum; he would have loved it.

Elder Don R. Clarke came to speak yesterday. He spoke on becoming a Preach My Gospel missionary. The general consensus was that it wasn't the greatest message we've heard since coming to the MTC, yet I got more from his address that most any other last night. I'm so very grateful for God's constant assistance. I know I can do nothing of my own power and that I can do literally anything with Him on my side according to His will.

The Brother of Jared and Chinese Translation:
In Chinese there is a word for older brother and a word for younger brother. When the BOM was being translated into Chinese the translators had to know whether he was the older or the younger brother. And so, the First Presidency prayed about it and received revelation on the matter. The word was translated as gege. This means that the brother of Jared was in fact the older brother. This was an incredible discovery to me (mostly the process by which it was determined, but also the actual knowledge itself).

We're making great progress with the zone. There are definite challenges to overcome, but I've decided not to stress over it and trust it to God. He truly qualifies those He calls.

Our Zone at the MTC

As zone leader I am accountable to God for how I carry out my many responsibilities. This requires me to help the other missionaries understand when they aren't doing what they ought to be doing. This could be a scary thing, but with God on my side it's a piece of pie (peanut butter or no). 2 Tim. 1:7 "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."

I've also realized how much God had blessed my family as I've stepped back. There have been many hard things we've been faced with, but we need not worry because God is with us. He has and will continue to watch over and provide for us as we seek to do His will and share His love. 

There's no need for worry or fear. God takes care of all. Trust Him.

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