Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Week 3 at the Provo MTC July 13, 2016

I've decided it's equal parts fortunate and unfortunate that I am unable to type in Chinese on the computers in the email lab. It's unfortunate because it would be good practice and I think pretty cool, but at the same time my friends and family (you, the reader) might not appreciate it near so much.

Picture of the Zone

I've had several thoughts this week as I studied the scriptures and attended various classes and devotionals. The first is simply that the heart is of greater importance than we, or at least I, often realize. Yes, it's crucial to your survival in a very literal and physical sense, but the state of our hearts seems to be literally crucial to our survival (and happiness) in a spiritual sense as well. I've noticed as I've been able to deepen my studies that it is near impossible to read the scriptures for any significant length of time without coming upon a scripture that speaks about the heart. I won't share all of what I learned, but I invite you to study the scriptures on this topic(the heart) and see what you can learn. I would also love for you to email me some of your findings if you'd be willing as I'm confident in your abilities to find things I haven't.

-Importance of the heart diagram

I had the opportunity to interview with Brother Hay (my teacher and friend) this week. We discussed further how I could maintain my standards and live up to the expectations God has for me while still being able to relate to, help, and understand those less desirous to be on missions at this time. He and I have both been studying this out and praying about it. He said he felt impressed to tell me that God was pleased with my efforts, that they were acceptable to Him, but that God wanted me to be happier and less stressed (the mission is meant to be a happy time). He said it's not that I don't seem happy, but that God wants me to find even greater joy than I've been able to thus far. He thinks I might be working too hard, but I'm not quite convinced. Just before my interview a sister in the zone gave me a sticker for my MTC ID that says "Smile." The Lord works in mysterious ways, but He gets His work done. I'm making a conscious effort to not only be happier, but also to express my happiness better by smiling. I get my happiness/energy from serving others. It's been hard to find opportunities to do this in the MTC due to its efficiency, but recently the Lord has helped me recognize needs I can fill. I've been able to be happier and I'm trying to show it. :)

SMILE sticker

There's been a lot said this week about adversity and about how it's through adversity that we can come closer to Christ. I recall in my setting apart as a missionary, it was said that I would be able to find joy in the midst of my afflictions/sufferings. This was scary to me at first, but I understand better now and I'm certain I'll understand even better in the near future that this is a great blessing indeed. I'm grateful for the trials that bring me closer to God, and I know that I can find JOY in the journey.

Our purpose as missionaries is to INVITE others to COME unto CHRIST. The wording is very important. Invite - We can't make them do anything. If we invite others to come unto Christ and teach with the Spirit, whether they accept the gospel or not we have been successful. Come - this word implies that you're already there. I can't tell you to come to the door of a room if I'm sitting on the opposite side (it just doesn't work). It's the same with missionary work; we must come unto Christ ourselves to help others do so. This is an ongoing process, but one of great importance. Christ - He is our message. It's all about Him and what He means to us. 

The investigators:
Amin - She is quite capable and very blessed. She has a basic understanding of the gospel, but she has no belief backing her knowledge. However this is limiting her ability to come closer to God. She has been taught and firmly believes that all that is good in her life is a result of her own efforts and that alone. We inquired as to what her beliefs were and learned that she believed in herself alone. I tried to explain to her in my less than perfect Mandarin that I was glad she believed in herself, but that God had blessed her with all she had. She countered by arguing that she had received a volleyball scholarship due to her continual practice. I agreed with her in part, but I also explained to her that her body was a gift from God in addition to all else she possessed. We didn't want to argue though, so we proceeded with our lesson. I recently had a thought that I believe will help her understand this important principle, and we intend to teach her about gratitude and more about her relationship with God tomorrow

Wayne - Wayne knew next to nothing in regards to the gospel when we began teaching him, but he is very teachable and receptive. He desires to learn and come closer to Christ. Sadly, he and his wife got a divorce a few years back, though he has two young children whom he loves dearly; they are everything to him. He has kept his commitments thus far and he recently agreed to follow the example of Jesus Christ by being baptized.

Hymns on the Hill

We had TRC this week. This means that we taught and fellow-shipped members. It was a real confidence booster. They were very nice, and we were able to communicate with one another quite well. We actually ended up teaching my companion's old high school Chinese teacher at one point. 

We played Can Jam this week. As I played it, I thought it was something my family and I would enjoy playing together (feel free to look into it and practice for when I get back). ;) We also continued playing sand volleyball with the zone (quite fun). The gym is closed so much of my district is slowly dying inside over that. I really don't mind, but I'm trying to be understanding. We also recently got a basketball hoop in our room...not an improvement in my mind, but I'm learning to be patient with myself and others. :)

I wish to and feel it is part of my purpose as a missionary to help my fellow missionaries. After much prayer and study I've found or been shown a method that I discovered, but forgot, some time ago. UNDERSTANDING>LOVING>ABLE TO HELP. I've created information webs for each member of my district to better understand where those in my district are coming from and how I can best meet their needs. I'm also praying to love them and trying to show them a better way to go about things by leading by example rather than with the whip. Almost none of my friends in life have had much in common with me, but as I've come to understand them they've come to mean everything to me. I know that I can come to better love (I love them already) those in my district with the Lord's help. Once they truly know and understand that I love them--that is when I will REALLY be able to help them as the Lord would like me to be able to.

understanding others aid

We viewed Monson's Life and Ministry this week. It was inspiring to see the love manifest through the life of our dear prophet and the many lives he had been able to touch in the process.

Several years back when I was a new deacon I was in my first stake priesthood meeting (perhaps the youngest one there). An older brother was coughing near the front of the chapel and I was sitting in the back. I felt I should run to the kitchen, fill a glass of water, and bring it to the gentlemen. I didn't do it. I was scared. I was the least experienced there. Someone who knew how things were done would see to the need. I couldn't get up and leave in the middle of the meeting...

I've since learned that my fears were imagined, promptings should never be ignored, and serving others is always the priority. I've since had opportunities where I've been able to respond differently in similar situations and found joy in so doing. Be courageous in well-doing. In the service of your fellow beings you are always in the right. Your fears are imagined. Promptings from the Spirit should always be heeded. Serving others is always the priority; it's what the Savior would do.

The language is coming along well. My companion and I are SYLing better and developing new language learning techniques. We've been able to memorize the 1st Vision among other things. One of the most difficult things about Chinese is the grammar. They say everything backwards (from my point of view--I'm sure they would say the same of English) so you have to know all of what you want to say before you begin speaking. In English, we have a tendency to start a sentence as we think of what we want to say and to then turn our words where we want them to go. In Chinese you've got to start with the end in mind--not a piece of cake, but we'll get it as the Lord wills it and we put in the necessary effort.

District 2C

We were sad to say goodbye to District 2C this week. They're such wonderful people and missionaries. Luckily, all but one of them are headed to Taipei, Taiwan, so I'll get to see them all again soon. Elder Walters, a piano prodigy much respected, entrusted me with a letter to mail to him family after he left. It doesn't seem like much, but it sent a message to me that I was doing something right. It told me that I had earned his trust (though I haven't been here the longest), and it helped me realize that I was doing better than I believed myself to be doing (this tends to be the case with me). We're excited to meet the new Mandarin districts coming in later today.

I was grateful to receive a package this week. It contained a wide assortment of goodies and commodities all bearing clever scriptural references. Thank you for the time and thought that went into this; I'm very grateful.

part of the package from Mousers

The temple is open today, so we will be able to go a little later. I'm excited for the opportunity.
(Pictures sent later)

At the temple with the zone

I love you all!! Thank you for reading!! I much appreciate your prayers and I feel their effects daily!!

We came to know God in our EXTREMITIES and it is our privilege to pay the price to do so. A pioneer in the fated Martin Handcart company said, "‘Was I sorry that I chose to come by handcart? No. Neither then nor any minute of my life since. The price we paid to become acquainted with God was a privilege to pay."

For comfort in difficult times see:

Doctrine and Covenants 122:5-8 
 5 "If thou art called to pass through tribulation; if thou art in perils among false brethren; if thou art in perils among robbers; if thou art in perils by land or by sea;
 If thou art accused with all manner of false accusations; if thine enemies fall upon thee; if they tear thee from the society of thy father and mother and brethren and sisters; and if with a drawn sword thine enemies tear thee from the bosom of thy wife, and of thine offspring, and thine elder son, although but six years of age, shall cling to thy garments, and shall say, My father, my father, why can’t you stay with us? O, my father, what are the men going to do with you? and if then he shall be thrust from thee by the sword, and thou be dragged to prison, and thine enemies prowl around thee like wolves for the blood of the lamb;
 And if thou shouldst be cast into the pit, or into the hands of murderers, and the sentence of death passed upon thee; if thou be cast into the deep; if the billowing surge conspire against thee; if fierce winds become thine enemy; if the heavens gather blackness, and all the elements combine to hedge up the way; and above all, if the very jaws of hell shall gape open the mouth wide after thee, know thou, my son, that all these things shall give thee experience, and shall be for thy good.
 The Son of Man hath descended below them all. Art thou greater than he?"

Mark 4:40
"And he said unto them, Why are ye so fearful? how is it that ye have no faith?"


Elder Dickson

1 comment:

  1. Elder Dickson, I'm sure you don't remember me, but I am a friend of your mom and dad from Austin. I babysat you and Mallory a time or two! I always enjoyed reading Mallory's posts on her mission, and I'm loving reading yours now. The only words of encouragement I can think of right now is to consider the mission as a long-distance swim, not a sprint. It will be more enjoyable for you if you remember to conserve your energies a bit, and not go out too fast. For some reason I just feel like I need to tell you that. I look forward to your next post!
