Sunday, July 3, 2016

My first week at the MTC in Provo, UT

My District (left to right: Elders Engel, Smith, Lawrence, Dickson, Tooley, Ure, Peterson, Garcia, 
Sisters Chang, Jones, Tiffany)

Reed's first letter home by email:

The adventure began in a crazy way. It was roughly 9:30 last Wednesday, and Brian asked me if I was hungry. I told him I wasn't terribly hungry, but that I felt a little nervous. We loaded into the car and began our drive. We continued our drive and I began to realize we were getting closer and closer to the MTC. Before I processed what was happening we were through the front gates of the MTC and I was hearing the words, "Welcome to the MTC Elder." In hindsight, this was a blessing because I didn't even have time to be nervous. The first day was fairly stressful. Apparently we came in with the largest group of missionaries of the year (700 and some I believe). There was just a lot to accomplish and a lot of new. I was rushed from foreign location to foreign location by my host until I found myself at the door to my classroom. Before I had time to collect myself, the grinning face of my teacher greeted me. He spoke quickly and only in Chinese, yet, to my surprise, I felt peaceful for the first time since my arrival. I actually understood much of what he said, but more importantly I felt the love of God and that I could be equal to the task with His aid (1 Ne. 3:7). 

"7 And it came to pass that I, Nephi, said unto my father: I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them."

My companion...Elder Landon L. Lawrence. He's an incredible guy. His attention to detail is among his greatest strengths and weaknesses. He is easily distracted and very social, but he also catches and remembers things I sometimes miss. He readily follows, but he is beginning to lead out more and more in positive ways. He's very humble, teachable, and supportive. He possesses very little Chinese experience, but I'm helping him catch up. He accepts advice and help well. He's also straightforward and let's me know how he's feeling. We work well together when we work alone (without the remainder of our district simply because this tends to lead to distraction). He wasn't sure he would serve a mission, but I'm very glad he did. We are both learning from one another. He also knows EVERYONE. He was born and raised in Orem, Utah, so we are in his backyard. He knows missionaries, leaders, and everyone in between. This is nice in some ways since I don't know anyone here. We're not all that similar, but I've already come to love him for who he is.

We had the opportunity to watch David A. Bednar's "Character of Christ." I believe it can only be viewed in the MTC. It was undeniably life-changing. I wanted to record every word he spoke, but the focus of his message was on Jesus Christ. He basically taught that every time you or I would have turned inward, (complained or wanted someone to feel sorry for us) Jesus Christ turned outward and saw to the needs of others. I'm trying to do this more in my life. It's difficult though, because the MTC is highly efficient, (most any need anyone could possibly have has already been addressed and solved) and I typically draw my strength from serving others. I just need to remember that my studies and training is a form of service to those in my district and to those I will meet in Taiwan.

My Chinese is coming along incredibly well. I have definitely been blessed in this respect. I pray for the gift of tongues every time I pray, and I am making great progress. I can pray and testify of gospel truths in Mandarin now. We have taught our 1st investigator, Cici, three times now. We speak only Chinese when we teach and work with her. The 1st lesson wasn't the best, but these last two have been incredible and the Spirit has been present. She has communicated with our teacher, and we are apparently teaching the best. We rely almost entirely on the Spirit to know what to say. We prepare ourselves, but we usually just end up listening to her needs and questions and trying to help her. We got her to pray the other day after teaching her. We are just glad she is finally showing some emotion. At 1st, we thought she might be a robot or something. Our teacher is phenomenal! Laoshi Hay.

My name is Ding Zhang Lao. This just means Elder Ding...which may be the closest translation to my last name...maybe. Stephen B. Allen spoke to us on Sunday. (He was my mom's mission president at the end of her mission in Arizona Tempe).  He is the director of all missionary efforts in the church. He explained the significance of our labors and also that the adversary would work extra hard to try to "push our buttons." The adversary knows us too, so we must be steadfast and immovable in our convictions. We also need to rely on the Savior and one another for support.

It's been clear since we arrived here that the fundamentals are the keys to success. The gospel of Jesus Christ isn't complex, but it's the truth and it works. The MTC choir is incredible!! There are 904 missionaries singing in it at present. The director is hilarious, spiritual, and accomplished. We sang a hymn that is only sang in the MTC. It is entitled something like "Hurrah for Israel." It's also at least as cool as I was told it would be every time we sing Called to Serve. The Spirit testifies powerfully of our call to serve each time. 

Lyrics of Called to Serve:

  1. 1. Called to serve Him, heav'nly King of glory,
    Chosen e'er to witness for his name,
    Far and wide we tell the Father's story,
    Far and wide his love proclaim.
  2. 2. Called to know the richness of his blessing--
    Sons and daughters, children of a King--
    Glad of heart, his holy name confessing,
    Praises unto him we bring.
  3. Chorus
    Onward, ever onward, as we glory in his name;
    Onward, ever onward, as we glory in his name;
    Forward, pressing forward, as a triumph song we sing.
    God our strength will be; press forward ever,
    Called to serve our King.

The food's not so bad here. Or, it's at least all-you-can-eat. The zone plays volleyball together once or twice a week and it's quite enjoyable. I really like our zone. My companion and I have kept pretty busy in many ways (among them working to fulfill the requirements for our Visas: blood-tests, x-rays, etc.).

I've started reading Jesus the Christ, and I'm enjoying it thus far.

The elders in my district:

Our district is in need of some help. 6 out of the 8 guys just graduated like this month. They're just a little young and still adjusting. Some may just not be comfortable feeling the Spirit yet. They all have strengths though too. I've recorded them and tried to make that my focus. They're wonderful guys, and as with my companion, I've already come to love them. They just have a little way to go before they become the best missionaries they can be. I'm trying to help them however I can.  We've been invited to use Doctrine and Covenants 88:119 and replace the word "house" with "district."

Mervyn B. Arnold of the Quorum of the 70 also came to talk to the missionaries. His focus was on what kind of missionaries we ought to be. He used the Savior's words with one slight alteration. "What manner of MISSIONARIES ought ye to be. Even as I am."

I feel like my ability to speak and write English has regressed at least slightly. I tend to only say/write things I can say in Chinese (not intentionally). I'm still adjusting to the dry climate and elevation (lots of bloody noses, but it's alright). It's been challenging here, but I pray always and I have hope. I'm doing the best I can, and I will continue to do so.

The recently released Zone Leaders and other friends from the zone (Elders: Triplett, Mueller, Carson, and Walters)

It's hard to believe so much has happened in so little time. There's so much more I wish I could say, but we only get an hour to email. In short, all is well and all will be well. Thank you for the many prayers! I have felt heavenly assistance many times since my arrival here. I will write back to any to email me personally (though it may be short depending on time).

I see these next two years--my mission--as a time for me to build the foundation on which I will be able to build the rest of my life and eternity. I wish to build it well. I wish to build it on Christ.

Elder Dickson
Reed Eugene Dickson
My MTC District:

Maxwell Tooley
Decker Ure
Andres Garcia
Connor Peterson
Landon Lawrence
Zane Smith
Alec Engel

McKayla Jones
Savanah Tiffany

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