Sunday, July 3, 2016

The 1st letter home!

Reed's first letter home by mail 6/23/2016
                Sorry I haven't written sooner we couldn't email home yesterday.  My P-day is Wednesday, so I will email home then.  My comp, Elder Lawrence, and I were able to get a hold of stamps and letter writing materials to write and let you know we are well and safe.  My companion is great!  My 1st impression wasn't the best, but I've already come to love Him.  

I got to see my sister, Mallory at work just before I went to the MTC:

                The 1st day was insane!  Brian Price turned into the MTC without any real warning a little bit early and next thing I knew I was being welcomed and shown to my room.

My companion Elder Lawrence and I with District President Teng

                 My district (11 of us) is fantastic and ZL's are great too.  Our Branch President, Pres. Teng, is also superb.  No complaints.
My teacher (Mandarin teacher) is the best part.  We get along unbelievably well.  I was feeling pretty stressed and rushed the 1st day until I entered his classroom.  I heard him speak Mandarin... and I UNDERSTOOD!  He is VERY kind and encouraging and spiritual!
                The spirit is truly my constant companion here.  It's so strong everywhere.  I've had many opportunities to bear testimony already, and I even felt the Spirit during role plays (kinda took me by surprise). 
                We learned about the Japanese Encephalitis immunization.  It is optional for missionaries going to Taiwan and it costs over $500.  Should I get it?
                My Mandarin is coming along great!  It's truly unbelievable!  I can pray and testify of many gospel principles in Chinese!
                Time is short, but all is well and you'll hear from me soon.  LOVE YOU ALL SOOO MUCH!!!

my (temporary) missionary badge (though it is blurry and I will eventually get one in all Chinese)

--Elder Dickson

Branch 02
District B
Mailbox 139
Classroom: 7M-135
Dorm Room 14M-235

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