Wednesday, July 27, 2016

July 27th 2016 Turn Your Life Over to God

Things haven't gotten a lot easier, but I'm decidedly happier. Several significant difficulties emerged this past week: a dear elder from our zone returned home, I experienced a small bit of persecution, and some of our mission leaders are in need of greater love and support. Things haven't gotten a lot easier...but I'm decidedly happier. How can this be?

This week, I felt prompted to study Matt. 14:27-33 (when the Apostle Peter walks on the water). Initially, the disciples are afraid when they see Jesus walking on the water, but He is quick to calm their fears. The scriptures say, "straightway Jesus spake[...]Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid." The Lord is quick to comfort us. Peter, with great faith at the time, asks the Lord to "bid [him] come" to Him on the water. The Lord invites Him to come unto Him, and Peter does not hesitate. He walks on the water.1 Ne. 3:7 " I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them." Peter is able to walk on the water because it was the will of the Lord. Through our Savior, we can accomplish literally anything according to His will. However, it is only through faith on Him that we are enabled. When Peter's focus was the Savior he was able to do something seemingly impossible: walk on the sea. However, he looked away for a moment; his focus shifted from the Savior to the wind and the waves (to his trials). In this moment he doubted. He still had faith, but it was not his focus. It was recently shared in General Conference that faith and doubt cannot coexist any more than light and darkness are able to do so. His doubt/fear temporarily drove out his faith, but in this moment he immediately reached out to the Savior, and so, he was saved. 

This scripture applies to all of our lives. We are often called on to do and to pass through trying things, difficult things, things that force us to stretch. This can be painful, but we need never be alone. Because Jesus walked such a long and lonely road, we don't have to. Doctrine and Covenants 122:8 reads, "The Son of Man hath descended below them all. Art thou greater than he?" Christ suffered through and so understands perfectly everything we will ever be faced with. It won't be easy. It never has been. Elder Holland said, "Salvation is not a cheap experience." As a result, the price of salvation has never been cheap. We will be tested and tried, but with the Savior as our focus and the foundation of our faith...we need not worry. We need not fear. We can find joy in the journey. All is well.

When various "winds and waves" hit this week, I actively sought the Savior. I faltered in my efforts, but when I reached out in my time of trial, I was truly saved. Have faith in Him. Focus on Him; everything else will work out. Decide to be happy. Today :) 

(One of the best ways to do this is to turn outward and help another with their problems. Everyone has them whether they make it known or not.)
The new elders in the zone (came in last Wednesday)

Elder Gould, Elder Nelson, Elder Miller, myself, Elder Wilde, Elder Tan*, Elder Chino*, Elder Carroll*, Elder Gibson*,
Front row: Elder Chang, Elder Kwok, Elder Barlow, Elder Tennant*, Elder Johnson
*Fast-Tracked (3 week program)

We ate lunch at the temple last week; it was a wonderful break from the meals at MTC. The food was delicious, and the atmosphere was much calmer. 

I received a package from my sister, Mallory, this past week. It couldn't have come at a better time. I so much loved seeing her beautiful, unique handwriting and reading her witty messages. The jar of peanut butter I hadn't wanted communicated so much love to me; my sister was going to do what she thought was best for me even if I didn't think it was what I wanted. I'm sure I and likely others will be immensely grateful in the near future. The pretzels are also amazing. There are soooo many sweets floating around the MTC. We are offered anywhere between 10 and 20 different delectables throughout the day, (whether it be donuts, cookies, cinnamon rolls, etc.) but almost no one has anything salty or remotely "healthy." As a result, the pretzels are all but gone, but they have brought smiles to many. The package fortified me for a rough next few hours. Thank you! 

There was fresh fruit in the residence last night. Therefore, miracles still happen in our day ;)

Last week I mentioned a dessert my brother, Hyrum, would very much enjoy. This week it is my sister's turn. I had Graham Canyon Cheesecake, and I need not say more. I love you Mallory!

The missionary who went home was not understood by many in the zone. I will not reveal his identity out of respect. He deserves respect. He was struggling through many weighty matters not even his companion knew of, and ultimately, he did return home. Before he left we were able to give him a blessing. It wasn't a long blessing; I didn't even give the blessing (though I was blessed to be able to stand in), yet I felt the greatest love for this young man. I didn't know him well at all, but I knew and I felt that he was loved. I felt that love. Heavenly Father loves him and is there for him as He is for all of us. I know Heavenly Father loves us perfectly, infinitely, and unconditionally. We determined to pray and fast for him and his family. He will be alright. We will all be alright. Trust God. 

I tried to run/sprint a mile this week for exercise. And...yeah, I just about died. I may be a bit out of shape, but the difference in elevation didn't help matters ;P

We passed the halfway mark of our time at the MTC this week. I can't decide if it's going super fast or super slow. I think both, but I do plan on this second half being the better of the two. I'm running out of time to prepare, and I don't wish to waste a moment.

The language is really coming along with God's help. I worked with my teacher one-on-one some and he said my "Zhongwen" or Chinese is awesome. I know this is only possible through God's help and the gift of tongues. With Him anything is possible.

We got a third teacher this week. He was our teacher's teacher when he was at the MTC. He seems really cool. The Nashville Tribute Band came on Sunday in celebration of Pioneer Day and we were able to sing as their back-up singers. It was a good experience. There were also fireworks on Pioneer to me, but cool. TRC was also a positive experience this week.

Amin may finally be progressing.
Wayne is wonderful. He's so very sincere and his desire to learn is incredible. He's very receptive to the Spirit. We taught the Plan of Salvation this week (later learned we were being observed through a one-way mirror). I love God's plan for us. It's one of my favorite truths brought to us by the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. The lesson went very well and by the end both he and I had shed some tears. It was such a happy moment to share a message that has brought me so much joy and comfort.

I'm grateful for my calling. It has afforded me many opportunities to forget myself and help others in their times of need. This next week we will receive 27 new missionaries into the zone. We are excited to get to know them and to help them. Our goal as zone leaders is to "never let a problem to be solved be greater than a person to be loved!" -President Monson. The Savior's way is one by one. His gospel is about individuals. It's about you and me.

I had never thought of this before in this way, but it makes sense. Regarding the First Vision, "Ask God, He was there."

I plan to get my hair cut later today. I'll send a picture next week if not later today. We're also going to the temple before long. 

I was very glad to receive a dear elder from Sister Baird. Thank you for your thoughts and friendship. It has helped me already, and I'm confident it will continue to do so. Thanks!

There's much I didn't get to this week as a ton happened, but I trust I hit the most important points.
My testimony of the temple was strengthened greatly today. I'm very grateful for this as it's something I've been working and wishing to develop further. 

I also beat the MTC standing long jump record (10 feet and 1 inch), but I'll need to go back and do it again. I wanted to see how close I was to beating it, so I tried today. I did a warm up jump; I paused for a moment, and then I went back to the jumping line. I didn't realize I had beat it, and they didn't know how much I had beat it by. It's hard to post a record if you don't know what it is. I tried a few more times, but I could only tie the record. I'll get it this next week.

I got my hair cut; It turned out really good. I don't believe I've ever had my hair cut professionally before.  My mom always cut it.

Thank you all for your continued love, support, and prayers!!!

Every morning, when you wake up, ask God what He would have you do that day. Then do it. Do this every day of your life, and you will be astounded by the blessings and joy that come into your life.

All is well,
Elder Dickson

My parents were in California visiting my grandparents this past week and they got to see Jacob Hadden who was my mini-mission trainer a few years ago and also met a couple at the LA Temple Visitors Center who have a grandson that is going to the other mission in Taiwan: Elder and Sister Councill.

 The Councill family

My dad, Hyrum, and Emilie, with Jacob Hadden

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