Monday, July 17, 2017

Week 10 in Beitou: I have been so immersed in the work here that I missed that it was the 4th of July :0

I'm sorry I wasn't able to write very much last week due to some technical difficulties, but I hope you were all able to enjoy the pictures. I'll just have all the more wonderful experiences and miracles to share this week :)

We went to the massive war memorial featuring a massive plaza last week for P-day. Ever since then, Elder Chang and I like to fall into step every now and then and imitate the changing of the guard. It was also wonderful to see the Chipman family again. I was very grateful for their willingness to help, and they're quite honestly too kind. 

Several investigators and a recent convert opened up to us about persecutions they've been facing as a result of their choice to follow the Savior. Most of them couldn't begin to fathom why anyone would attack another for their beliefs and were in almost a state of shock. I'm grateful that they trusted us enough to open up to us. We were able to comfort them (or at least invite the Spirit in to comfort them and teach them) through watching some videos produced by the church, reading 1 Nephi 8 together, and bearing testimony. 

We've recently had several investigators with little or no faith in themselves or their ability to follow the Savior. It's been amazing to watch the Spirit work as we listen to them, and ask inspired questions coupled with testimony that allow them find their own answers. It's been a blessing to watch them grow in faith and confidence. It's hard to see all the potential we could have if we would let the Lord mold us. 

This a neat video I found about a piano: A Piano's Purpose

Another investigator opened up to us about a dangerous situation at home. I was once again grateful for the relationship we enjoy with our investigators. We were able to involve the right people and resources to resolve the situation in a good way. 

There are some missionaries I've been working with to help them see that they are indeed successful missionaries despite seeing little visible success. We received inspired training presented at the Worldwide Missionary Broadcast; all were uplifted and edified by the words of living prophets. During one discussion, I noticed something I hadn't noticed before. Alma 26:22 is a scripture likely most every missionary is familiar with. It's a promised blessing. If you do "A," "B" will happen. There are a list of things missionaries can work to implement. The promise is that by doing these things, one will be blessed with the opportunity to "bring many souls to repentance." I never noticed before that the scripture said "repentance." It doesn't say that you will necessarily bring many souls to be baptized. I know that as we help others live the Gospel of Jesus Christ through developing faith, repenting, being baptized, feeling and understanding the Spirit, and/or enduring to the end, we are successful. We have been measuring our success as missionaries against the Doctrine of Christ and come to realize just how much success we have been blessed to see. 

We haven't had hot water for a while now, but it's actually alright with it being so hot out. It's kind of nice really.

Zone Conference was really good. Some of the bigger take-aways were that we needed to teach shorter lessons and work more with the members. I received a compliment that meant a lot to me at the hand of a leader I look up to. He told me he wished he could have the experience of being one of my investigators. It was a cool thing for him to say, and it led me to examine myself and work to be more worthy of such a high compliment.

I love working with Elder Chang. He's so much fun to work with. He's optimistic, and he's always willing to help with whatever needs done. It's also been cool to have the opportunity to translate for him in several meetings and other settings (I also get to translate into English at church these days).

Elder Chang

I would like to write about some of our investigators:

Brother Fang: The man is a legend. He's in his 60s, has much life experience, and yet he is so very humble and willing to sacrifice. He showed up at his lesson this past week only for us to find out his entire family had left for Southern Taiwan the day before, but that he would be going to join them at a later time so as to not miss our appointment. We could have rescheduled had we known, but he's just so willing to give it his all. We had a wonderful lesson this past week in which we sang some hymns and watched select Mormon Messages to invite the Spirit. Afterwards, we began to review the baptismal interview questions. He's been taught all the lessons, and it is only one small thing holding him back from being baptized. We also quickly found out that he didn't have any recollection of Joseph Smith and had some misunderstandings relating to the very core of our faith: our understanding of the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. He was so very grateful to hear the glorious message of the Restoration. I can't believe he was fighting so valiantly to overcome one small thing and keep all the other commandments without that crucial basis of faith. He just loved repentance and the commandments.

Benjamin: 22 years old, he is a ray of sunshine in a sometimes dark world. He is always smiling, and he loves every time we share with him. He's quite the missionary himself. Despite facing persecution and opposition on several fronts, he continues to learn and progress with renewed faith.

Cliff: He's also in his 50s, but he looks like he is 30 or so. He faces many health difficulties (spends half his time in the hospital) and is concerned about possible family opposition, but we've been blessed to find a way to teach him that he really enjoys and understands. He is an artist. So, we draw together and tie it into the gospel. We read Alma 32 one week and then drew the process of the seed growing up into a great tree of faith: firm and immovable. This past week, we drew our dream houses and then taught the Gospel of Jesus Christ using an analogy: Small cottage=us, we encounter storms and other difficulties, faith provides resources to work with, through repentance we can repair our cozy little home, but there are still small cracks in the roof or maybe termites in the walls (things that are difficult to fix or you may not notice need fixing), through baptism our home is restored or brought back to its original "perfect" state, afterwards God gives us a blueprint to build our dream house--the Gift of the Holy Ghost, finally we endure to the end by following the blue print each day until we finally reach our full potential (dream house) through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.

Our drawings

Learning Chinese....the struggle

Brother Wei: He's new, but he's so cool he takes notes during our lessons! 

Peter: We're his best friends in the whole wide world. He's a stock broker. On top of that, he helps his family in the local market selling vegetables. He improves each day.

Marshmallow: A baker by trade, he loves to give us bread to eat. He still faces a lot of trials, but he has a strong testimony of prayer and is starting to believe in himself, that he can do what the Savior would have Him do.

Brother Hong: Faces concerns with both work and family. Lives in a castle, but he is as humble as can be. He's grateful for the things we share with him, and he is willing to act. 

Brother Liu: An older man that lost both his father and older brother when he was young. He loved the hopeful message of the Plan of Salvation, but he is still struggling to believe that the truth can really be so perfectly joyful.

These are but a few of our beloved investigators. We really do love them, and we know God does too. He loves each and every one of His children perfectly, and that includes YOU.

We visited a referral received from church HQ on Saturday. We only had about 5 minutes before the ward missionary fireside we put on, but we felt prompted to stop by. We were warmly greeted by a wonderful family. A younger man then came to the door and exclaimed, "Wow! You guys are professional!...Amazing! I'm so happy to see you. I just landed in Taiwan earlier this afternoon after living in the states for a time. My family and I are going out to dinner now, but is there any way we could exchange contact information and meet another day? Please." Yep...follow the Spirit.

We continue to see miracles with regards to investigators attending church. This was previously the hardest aspect for me with doing missionary work in Taiwan, but we have large groups of investigators that consistently come and love church. We even had a member bring a friend of theirs with them to church this past week. It's been a great blessing from God to see this weekly miracle. The ward continues to grow and learn, and our relationship with them has really blossomed and bloomed. 

The recent convert fireside was, as always, a spiritual feast. We attended with 2 investigators, 1 less active, and 1 recent convert. The speakers were all baptized within the last few months and spoke with such energy and enthusiasm. A couple of them were straight up hilarious and were instantly loved by all present. What's more, they all saw great miracles on the road to conversion. Some had visions. Some heard voices...crazy. The music was provided by angels from heaven. The Spirit was so powerful, and all in attendance were spiritually fed. It was also refreshing to see some old friends including Sister Guan! She is Taiwanese and was my first Sister Training Leader about a year ago in Hualian. She finished her mission a while back, but is was good to see her. She, with others, helped me through a rough time.

I'm still doing missionary work in my dreams at night...this 24 hour missionary deal can be pretty tiring, but it's certainly rewarding. My companion is convinced I'm teaching in the Spirit World, but I don't buy it. 

Last P-day was actually pretty relaxing with the exception of some trying technical difficulties. We ended up going to JinHua Jie with the sisters and Kenneth where we played basketball and Jungle Speed. Unexpected rain made the trip extra exciting ;)

We like to have our members add the social media of our investigators to help them as they have questions and concerns, but this past week our investigators were asking our members to add their social media...

I had a cool experience with the Spirit and following a small prompting last week. We were in a lesson when I suddenly had a faint impression almost like a thought to silence the phone. I thought I already had, but I quickly looked and found I hadn't. No sooner had I silenced it than we got a call...and another...and then another. The lesson went wonderfully, and we were grateful it wasn't interrupted (especially when we called back those who had called and learned that 2 of the 3 were accidental and the other not by any means a pressing matter). 

I'm grateful that my family has been having a splendid summer vacation. They had some concerns about a week long camping trip, but I prayed for them that they might enjoy it and be safe. The pictures last week told me a story of pleasure and peace. I know prayer has power. It was a little hard to see Mallory back and the whole family reunited with only me missing, but I know I am in the right place. 
My 3 siblings

I know my family is eternal, and that through my efforts I am able to afford others the same opportunity. Besides, I know God will continue to care for my family in my absence as He has thus far. As I biked through the torrential rain in the dark of night one day this past week in nothing but my short-sleeved white shirt and slacks, I couldn't help but smile and feel grateful. I was hit with how miraculous, how great a blessing and a privilege it was to be there in that be a representative of the Savior of the world at such a time and in such a place. It truly is a great blessing and a I wouldn't trade for anything.

I'm grateful for what the mission is doing to me. I did an exercise in Preach My Gospel at the start of my mission in which I made a list of goals relating to changes I would like others to see in me at the close of my mission. While I am far from perfect, I've now been blessed to have others point out all these areas I wanted to work on as my strengths. I know the Atonement of Jesus Christ is real, and it is for everyone. We need only accept it. 

God has really been blessing our area. Our English class is exploding with new students, and we received many incredible referrals in these past two weeks. Investigators are coming out of nowhere and in numbers.

Here's the embarrassing experience of the week: My companion said he thought there was a holiday this week. I thought and I thought, and I couldn't think of anything. He then said he thought it was a big thing in America. Huh? In disbelief I opened my planner and flipped through the week only to find that the day before was the 4th day of the 7th month. The 4th of July!!! I totally missed it, and I only caught on thanks to my Taiwanese companion. Yeah, it's rough...

We had interviews with President Jergensen. It's always an uplifting and instructional experience. I'm grateful for the relationship of trust and friendship I enjoy with him. I look up to him a great deal and am grateful to serve alongside him. We also got to teach Sister Jergensen a 5 minute Plan of Salvation. The Spirit was present, and it was amazing to be able to teach such magnificent truths in so short a time.

I also went on exchange with the zone leaders this past week. It was a great blessing to meet Grandpa Ye. His body is failing him, and he is confined to a bed, but we were able to visit and sing to him. We sang primary songs and other hymns with the accompaniment of a guitar. There were points when I had to sing solo while Elder Rushton played guitar. Now, for those of you who know me, I don't sing very well. And yet, the Spirit was present in abundance. It was a special experience to be in that room with that man.
Elder Rushton

During the ward activity we put together we watched "The Hope of God's Light," and in the part where the speaker says he always expected God to manifest himself in a flash of lightning a bolt of lightning struck right next to the church such that it lit the whole room and stayed blindingly light for a moment. The boom that followed shook the building. It was pretty cool.

Wonderful ward mission leader

We had the best lesson yesterday with a historically not so great investigator when it comes to making or keeping commitments. We've always kind of taught her in a "shy" way in the name of "politeness/respect," but yesterday we taught her the truth. We did so boldly, and Wow! Was the Spirit present! My companion and I learned so much from what we had taught by the Spirit that we took a good 10 minutes after the lesson taking notes on what we had learned from what we had taught. It felt so good to teach with such power and authority. Fear is the opposite of faith.

A little nature on the MRT (butterfly)

Great Food!

God notices the little things. He is perfectly aware of us in our circumstances. Friday morning (roughly 10 A.M.), I mentioned to my companion that it would be nice if we had fruit to eat in our apartment. About 3 hours later we ran into a member. She told us to wait a minute. She returned with a ton of fruit to give us. Wow. We're also blessed as we are obedient in all things. Due to exchanges we hadn't had time to do personal study in the morning one day. We could have easily justified staying in the apartment to finish our personal study, but it was time to go out. We decided to just go to the fast food joint next door and do personal study there. It felt right. We ran into 3 or so cool people on the 30 sec. journey from our apartment to the fast food restaurant (in the elevator, on the sidewalk, and in the restaurant). 

I don't have time to write any more, and you're likely bored by now anyway ;P
Rare 200

I love you all! Thank you for your love, support, and prayers!

All is well,
Elder Dickson

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