Sunday, July 16, 2017

Week 8 in Beitou: I introduced my Taiwanese companion to Costco!

 With wonderful friends at the temple!

We started off the week well by taking Elder Chang to Costco for the 1st time in his life. Hot-dogs, free samples, muffins and milk...he was in heaven :) 

 Treat that is unique to Costco here

 Loving his first time at Costco
Wow! Dairy products sure aren't cheap here in Taiwan! ;P

"Bad things happen to good missionaries." ~President Jergensen (quote wasn't directed to me, but I heard it in a meeting and thought it was funny)
Letter from Emilie: love you Emmy!  (I love getting mail!)


The run-away...we ran into one of our top investigators on the street last Monday. He sped by on a bike, and we called after him. We mounted and followed in hot pursuit quickly closing the gap and pulling up beside him. I yelled his name to try to get his attention, but when he heard me he only biked even faster. It was like he was trying to run away from death itself the way he rode. Now, granted you can't out-ride a missionary, but if he didn't want to stop, why should we pursue? We let him go. We ran into him another time in the week, but he still didn't want to acknowledge our presence. I'm not sure what he might of heard or why he decided to stop investigating the church, but I know the prepared are out there. I just hope Jimmy takes the chance when he gets it later down the road.

I was sick with a pretty nasty cold most of the week; I've also had some unpleasant back problems, but as we pressed forward and we were blessed in miraculous ways:

Benjamin: He's new! We're extremely grateful to the sisters for finding him. He's such a happy guy. He always smiles, and he loves the gospel and holds that which we've shared with him to date very near his heart. He hopes to be baptized next month, and he is well on track to hit his goal. He especially loves the Plan of Salvation and understands it well.

Brother Fang: He's doing better! His surgeries are over. The first one went better than the second, but he is in the process of healing and doing well. He's still struggling with some things but I know he can overcome his presents concerns as he continues to be the amazing man he is. He's made progress in leaps and bounds and is still putting forth an admirable effort to meet the Lord's expectations for him. We shared about temples and family history work this past week, and he was thrilled! 

Brother Hong: He's also new! He also just happens to be the result of a miracle. Elder Chang stayed back in Beitou with Elder Hyde as his temporary companion while I attended the meeting on Thursday. During the day, our 7:30 P.M. appointment cancelled. Elder Hyde happened to sit down next to this man while my companion sent off a referral for another set of missionaries. They started talking, and Elder Hyde learned that he places a great emphasis on his family, that they're important to him. Elder Hyde asked if there was a time we might meet. His response: "I have time at 7:30 P.M. tonight. Would that work for you?" We did go and see him at 7:30 that evening. He lives in a modern-day castle, but he's just about the most humble guy I've ever met. He's struggling with some great trials in his life, but we are thrilled to be able to help him find peace and joy through the Savior and His teachings. He absolutely loved prayer.

English class went remarkably well: it was fun for all, all learned a great deal (myself included), and the Spirit was present and powerful during my spiritual share on the Plan of Salvation to the point that much of the class needed extra encouragement to get them out of the building after class. It was also a tender mercy to hear one of the students refer to us missionaries as angels sent from heaven to teach them in her prayer.
1 Nephi and 2 Nephi in cartoon drawings
Special meal

I've been making a lot of trips down to the heart of Taipei lately. I went down on Thursday for the district leader training meeting and then again on Saturday to go to the temple with Kenneth. Both trips were wonderful. It was pretty cool to meet up with Elder Lawrence, Elder Robbins, Elder Alexander and other friends on Thursday. I learned a great deal, and I am excited to continue to implement those things I learned here in Beitou. Even better, it happened to be my year mark on the mission. It was cool to hear President's thoughts about the role of a district leader. He said it's much like a bishop in the church in his mind. They work directly with the members, and are the primary and most accessible source of help and direction. I loved spending some time with my good friend Kenneth on Saturday. Afterwards, who was at the temple grounds? Elder Johnson! Oh, how good it was to see the man. He's doing great things down in Taidong. Elder Chang's whole ward also happened to be at the temple, so that was exciting...we also had a fun ward activity that night.
Celebrating Kenneth's birthday

Lesson of the week: Don't wear a long sleeve white shirt when it's the middle of summer in Taiwan and if you intend to be out all day in the heat riding a bike.
It was a warm week...some of my ties formed little streams...
Some new friends

 funny dog

Fun fact: I dream every night. I have ever since I started the mission. What's new? All my dreams of late are of me out doing missionary work...tiring, but cool in a way.

Church: the MEGA miracle of the week. Elder Chang and I spoke in sacrament meeting. I was pretty nervous beforehand, but I had done a ton of preparation and was comforted as I prayed. The Spirit was with me as I spoke, and I may have ended up speaking for a good 30 minutes...yeah...but the members at least seemed to really like it and I believe it helped all in attendance come unto Christ. We both spoke on the topic of "Foundations of Faith." Beitou has historically been a particularly challenging area when it comes to getting people to church. Elder Chang and I noticed this and prayerfully set a goal to get 4 investigators to sacrament meeting. We made extensive plans and went to work. We were blessed yesterday to have 7 investigators attend sacrament meeting with all but one of the 7 staying for the full 3 hours. What's more? They all loved it, and will likely make a habit of attending. Among the 7 were the three listed above, the family of Brother Hong, and one other. On a side note, I got to be a translator again for some visiting foreigners and ward council went well. We presented a new ward mission plan we're excited about, and it was received well.
Our new investigator lives in a modern-day palace

Last night was cool too. We had made plans that morning to make some calls in a park we never go to. The moment we sat down, a potential we've run into a few times came up and sat with us. We taught him a lesson, and he set-up for a next time to meet with him just like that. Feeling blessed.

Ether 12:27 And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them.. 
 Recently, I've been shocked by the analysis my companions and others have done of me. They kindly point out to me that I'm very committed and hard-working, but then...they tell me things like "you're the most patient person I've ever known." Now, I know they're just being nice, but they don't need to make up totally crazy things to do so. I always thought of lack of patience (trust in the Lord's timing) to be one of my greatest shortcomings. I do not claim by any means to be "the most patient person" anyone has ever known, but if patience really has come to be among my strengths...we all ought to look a little more closely at the scripture noted above. The Lord can do great things when we choose to work with Him. He can work miracles even.

I love you all! Thank you for your support and prayers! I pray for you too! God loves you too! Turn to Him in your time of need. He is always there.

All is well,
Elder Dickson

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