Sunday, July 16, 2017

Week 9 in Beitou: Visited an amazing war memorial site in Taiwan and got to see the Chipman's from Carbondale

Amazing photos from Zhong Zheng Ji Nian Tang a war memorial in Taiwan that we went to see on a P-day.

We saw the changing of the guard. Their job is tough, they barely move an inch like the guards in England.  

Lately we’ve been taking a lot of cold showers because we have no hot water, but at least it’s summer. Zone conference was amazing! We learned about teaching more simply, being punctual, different ways to find, and we also touched on some cool ways to teach quickly, simply, and powerfully. I also got to translate for Elder Chang. It was pretty cool to be able to do that service. I think I received about the highest… most meaningful compliment I’ve received over the course of my mission today. Another missionary told me that he wished he could be my investigator. I love serving the Lord and representing him in his service of love. 

1 Nephi Chapter 8 in Cartoon Drawings

The gospel of Christ in drawings

My friend was featured in the Liahona magazine

Taiwan's "little green man" featured at all cross walks

 Killer spideroachbeezilla

On Sunday, we miraculously had three investigators at Sacrament Meeting, despite difficulties. I love Beitou. A member also brought us a feast to break the fast, delivered at the door and ready to eat… wow! The Recent Convert Fireside was so good.
 We also had a Primary activity which included lunch

We later had dinner with the Chipman’s. Brother Chipman’s Chinese is really great, I was impressed. I felt bad. He said in his prayer that we were exchanging gifts, but in reality they were bringing me a gift from my family, buying us dinner and then helping me take a bunch of stuff back home. They’re too kind.

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