Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Week 11 in Beitou: visited the library

It's temple day (so our P-day is today, Wednesday)!!!


Last P-day, we played laser tag as a district and were able to attend a concert hosted by Jenny Oaks Baker and family. She is incredibly talented, and it was a blessing to be able to hear her testimony of the Savior expressed through her music. I also saw Doffy from Miaoli there! It was wonderful to see an old friend.
The Beitou Public Library


Yummy food!

We had a really cool lesson with Brother Fang last week. We shared the story of the Anti-Nephi-Lehis burying their weapons of war and related it to him (he can "bury" his weakness and never have to fight it again). He is fighting the good fight. I know he can overcome any obstacle as he turns to the Savior.

We had a rather comical moment with Marshmallow. He's a character, but we love him for it. Most of the, we always do. He asked about the sheep in Jesus's arms that appears on the cover of the message of the Restoration of the Gospel pamphlet. He wanted to know what Jesus had to do with sheep, but didn't give us a chance to answer. He just went on and on about how stubborn and difficult sheep were to handle. "They run around without direction and you have to go and bring them back again and again. Some sheep are especially difficult. What then? What about those sheep? Huh?" It was ironic as we tried to reel him back into the lesson, but it was fun :) (The sheep represents each and everyone one of us).
Feast prepared by our beloved ward mission leader

My companion needed to head to the restroom while we were finding at the MRT. Previously, we would keep finding while waiting, but I realized that wasn't the most obedient way to go about it. So, I waited outside the restroom. It seemed a little counterproductive to stand over there and not be able to contact people very well. However, God blesses us for our obedience. A cool guy came up and self-contacted. He came up to me with interest in hearing more and set up to meet at a later time.
Seaweed wraps! :D


Elder Chang the Pirate

We got to help at a huge scouting event. We basically just gave them a brief introduction to our church. We were in charge of teaching about the Book of Mormon and got to have full-out rock-paper-scissor warfare to demonstrate the destruction of the Nephites by the Lamanite people. It was good fun.
Helping with a scout activity


Benjamin continues to amaze. He's a blessing to work with and a good friend. It was also a miracle to see my good friend Kenneth grow so much in testimony since I last saw him. He attended FSY (like EFY in the states), and he came back enthused to keep learning the gospel and build his faith. He's the man.

There have been some challenges lately between some minor health concerns and an anti-Mormon encounter, but we continue to see great miracles and know the Lord is with us. 

District training meeting was really fun yesterday (we just may have provided free ice cream for the district members...). The focus of the meeting was charity and love. The Spirit was there, and all were inspired and uplifted. It was fun too. We did some activities that came to me as I prepared for the meeting, and it was a blast. It's great to serve the Lord.

got a cheap copy of Chinese Chess, but there's just no time to play...maybe P-day?
This transfer has gone crazy fast. Transfers is next week. As always, we have no idea what will happen, but whatever the case, it's been a privilege and blessing to serve with Elder Chang these past few weeks. He's a real friend.

All is well,
Elder Dickson

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