Thursday, May 3, 2018

Week 21 in Xizhi

Lyle is now a happy member of the church of Jesus Christ of latter-day Saints. He couldn't be happier, and nor could I. His family now has a goal to be sealed as an eternal family in the temple.

Best friends forever

It was amazing to see Cash again this week. We ran into him on the temple grounds and he didn't leave us for the rest of the day attending both our lessons and the baptism that evening. He's a true friend. 

We met my new favorite investigator after church yesterday. She's 7 and her name translates to "light unicorn." I've never met a child so mature and firm on their faith in the Savior, Jesus Christ. We asked at one point if her grandma loved her. She responded with a confident yes. Upon asking how she knew, she told us it was because her grandma tells her to repent. Wow! She's super prepared and super excited to prepare for baptism. Now I know what Jesus meant when he said to become like a little child.

I've also been impressed lately as I've sought personal revelation. Under the direction of President Jergensen, I took a pressing question to the Lord in prayer. I opened the scriptures and found the answer I needed in seconds. The Spirit confirmed the truth of the answer received, and I was able to give President an answer. The Lord answers prayers. We need only ask.

I love you all! Have an outstanding week!

All is Well!

Elder Dickson

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