Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Week 23 in Xizhi

It was a good week. We got some much needed cleaning done. Afterwards, Lyle took us out for lunch today before taking us up the mountain for a breathtaking view. I felt that however much time we spent up there wouldn't be long enough.

The Great Lunch

Lyle's still the man. His heart surgery wasn't as successful as we initially believed it to be, and so he's been in a great deal of pain and been in and out of the hospital. Please keep him in your prayers. Regardless, he's firm in his witness of the Book of Mormon and its ability to bring us strength, to bring us comfort, and to bring us closer to Christ. He told us today the scriptures bring him peace as he lays there hour after hour in a hectic hospital room. I've received that same enabling power in my life as I've made studying the Book of Mormon and other scriptures a central part of my life. I invite you to study the Book of Mormon. It doesn't matter whether you've read it a hundred times as some of our members here have or whether you've never even seen the book. Please make an effort to study from its pages each day. You will come closer to Christ by so doing. You will find strength to face and rise above present struggles and fears.

Anna's also something of a miracle. She chose this week to move her baptismal date from April 15th 2019 to May 12th 2018 and has since passed her baptismal interview. She attributes the whole thing as an answer to prayer. I'm happy for her. I've seen how the restored gospel of Jesus Christ has brought her joy, and it's brought me joy to be witness to it. 

Seeing a friend at a fireside

Have the best week! But really, the best week ever...

All is well,
Elder Dickson

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