Monday, May 7, 2018

Week 22 in Xizhi

Temple with Miaoli Friends


Taipei Temple

I got fitted for a new suit today. It came out to be around 90 American dollars. Not a bad deal.

Lyle's still killing the game. His heart surgery went smoothly. He shared the gospel with all his nurses at the hospital, and he read about 4/5 of the Book of Mormon this week and has started diving into other books of scripture. He reads about 5 hours of scripture a day, and he'll be speaking next to the temple this weekend about his conversion experience to an audience of several hundred people.

We sat down for a lesson with an investigator last Monday. His member friend wasn't there yet, so we took a second to see how he was doing. He seemed a bit out of sorts and not overly happy. His member friend arrived, but it didn't feel right to proceed with our lesson plan. Upon further inquiry, he really opened up to us. We listened. We listened. And we listened some more. After a prayer, we felt inspired to ask him to open his Book of Mormon. We didn't give him a specific book or chapter. We just asked him to open it to any page. He eyes kind of popped a bit at the prospect of finding an answer in like fashion, but he gave it a go. 

He opened to Moroni 7. We studied it together verse by verse and before long he had not only found some answers to his problem, but he knew exactly what he needed to do to change things for the better. His member friend was a huge help throughout the whole lesson. As I saw a irrepressible grin filling his face in the place of his previously burdened frown, I was grateful for the Spirit and the revelation we received to scrap our original lesson plan. I was then REALLY grateful for the ensuing revelation allowing us to know what to do at that point. 

I love my mission. I love our investigators. And I love the Lord.

All is well,
Elder Dickson

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