Monday, May 14, 2018

Week 24 in Xizhi, transfers are this week and this is my last transfer

Transfer 16. Wow. That last slice of pizza is getting smaller and smaller, but I'm determined to savor every last bite. I'll even eat the crust ;) I heard a good analogy from a missionary I knew in the MTC who finishes his mission in a couple of days. He said it's like driving a car off a of cliff. You don't start to slow down as you near the edge, rather you pedal to the medal and fly off into the next chapter of your life. I don't know how I feel about the analogy as I don't know what awaits on the other end of the cliff. Hopefully there's something to catch me there. I didn't say the analogy was perfect, but you get the point. I'm excited for this last transfer, and I'm fully committed to the end.
With Lyle's family

Amazing food

Special foods

A parade

I can't be sure at this point, but transfers will most likely bring with it a move call. I'll be sad to leave Xizhi after having been here 6 months. It's home. I've given this place my everything, and it's given everything to me. I couldn't be happier with my time here. I love the ward and our investigators as I do my own family. However, the ward sometimes makes the mistake of associating all the miracles we've seen with us as the missionaries. It is my conviction that in large part the success we've been blessed with is a direct result of the ward here being prepared to receive those prepared of Him. Xizhi is Zion. The members are firm in the faith and in their testimonies of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. They follow His teachings and example. They make sacrifices to lift one another and to search out the lost sheep. It's been a blessing to serve the people of Xizhi. I've found it ironic how the success we're having is helping me to develop greater humility. At other times in life or even on my mission I was prone to let the praise of others sink in. I thought I was really something at times. Humility has been a core curriculum in my mission up to date. I've been humbled again and again as those I've invited to come unto Christ have walked (sometimes even ran) the opposite way, but this time we've been blessed to see such great success I can't help but attribute it to God. I know this is His work. There's simply no other explanation. I feel as Ammon to rejoice in the strength of my God:

Alma 26:12
12 Yea, I know that I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak; therefore I will not boast of myself, but I will boast of my God, for in his strength I can do all things; yea,behold, many mighty miracles we have wrought in this land, for which we will praise his name forever.

We're happy for Anna who was baptized this past weekend. The Gospel has given her new life, and I'm just grateful I was there to witness it. I've been impressed with the promptings we receive from hour to hour helping us to know where to go, what to do, and what to say. Without the Spirit, we can accomplish nothing in the service of the Lord. Pay whatever price necessary to be worthy of such a trust. I'm excited for the investigators of Xizhi. I love them, and I'll miss them.

Anna's Baptism

With Derek

Getting to see Terry's family and Kenneth

It was good to see family today by way of Skype. Hyrum and Emilie are getting so old. I'm proud of them and of all my family for their wonderful examples to me and to those in their sphere of influence. 

Skype with family on Mother's day

Sibling communication via modern technology

All is well,
Elder Dickson

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